CAMPUS LIFE Dormitory Welfare Facilities Basic Education Facilites Supporting Facilities Auxiliary Facilities Campus & Student Activities Campus Guide How to come to KIT Campus Map Visa Alien Registration Notice KIT Alumni Association Student Community 검색 전체 Title + Content Title Content Writer 총 245 건의 자료가 있습니다. (6/25페이지) Notice No Title Attachments Writer Date Views 공지 2024-2025 winter Free shuttle bus Between Daegu and Yangho campus timetable information 이병하 2024-12-24 46 이병하 2024-12-24 46 공지 Special Discount for the Korean Language Program 이남용 2024-12-02 439 이남용 2024-12-02 439 공지 How to install and use KIT App 이병하 2024-08-30 936 이병하 2024-08-30 936 195 Call for Papers and Invitation to Participate in The 1st Conference on Sustainability and Emerging Technologies - CSET 박유진 2022-06-17 5276 박유진 2022-06-17 5276 194 Call for Essays The Understanding Korea Contest 2022 권효정 2022-06-13 5170 권효정 2022-06-13 5170 193 Announcement of 2022 Video Contest for Foreigners. 권효정 2022-06-02 5094 권효정 2022-06-02 5094 192 [ITB] Info Session for Inbound Exchange at ITB, Indonesia 박유진 2022-06-02 5346 박유진 2022-06-02 5346 191 The 8th China International College Students` "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 박유진 2022-05-31 4056 박유진 2022-05-31 4056 190 Free Online Vladivostok Summer School 박유진 2022-05-20 4613 박유진 2022-05-20 4613 189 여성가족부 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 - Let's MZ 한국인 청소년 및 외국인유학생(교환학생) 모집 안내 박유진 2022-05-19 4971 박유진 2022-05-19 4971 188 Hansik One Day Tour for Foreigners 권효정 2022-05-19 3957 권효정 2022-05-19 3957 187 2022 「My Book, My History Trip」 Field Trip to Incheon with Foreign Students 권효정 2022-04-29 3544 권효정 2022-04-29 3544 186 Online 'Quick Korean Premium Program' & 'TOPIK Prep Course' & 'Korean Alphabet Course' 권효정 2022-04-27 4445 권효정 2022-04-27 4445 맨 처음 페이지로 이동 이전 페이지로 이동 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 페이지로 이동 맨 마지막 페이지로 이동